Eliza Kingsford
Eliza Kingsford
Eliza Kingsford

Welcome to Eliza Kingsford

Join me in my Mighty Network

About Me

So glad you're here! I am a licensed psychotherapist, author, coach, business owner, mother, wife......etc. etc. etc. etc.! Aren't we all! I have been studying neuroscience, psychology and nutrition science for almost 20 years. I am OBSESSED with helping you feel better about your weight, lose weight (if that's what you want), and improve your body image. I have worked in eating disorder centers, weight management facilities, sat on scientific advisory boards, conducted research, started two companies, trained clinicians and ultimately helped thousands of people create a healthier relationship with their bodies. It's truly the work I'm called to do. I will never stop learning from my clients and training to be the best I can possibly be in this field. 

Why You Should Join Me

Did I mention I will never stop learning and training to be the best I can possibly be in this field? I've been doing that for nearly 20 years. This is not a fun hobby or a cool idea for me. This is what I've dedicated my life to doing, so I know a thing or two about what I'm talking about in here. I have trained with some of the best in this field, but I've also asked the really hard questions. In this community, you will get access to my nearly 20 years of research into the subjects of weight, body image, nutrition and spirituality. I have done all of the legwork, now you can reap all of the benefits. Enjoy!

A Big Thanks

I'm so thankful, truly, to each and every one of you in this community. I have a big mission; to change the trajectory of obesity and overweight on our planet. Each of you helps me get closer to that mission, and I thank you for being here.